Episode 4: The Boy Who Cried Tooth (A Tooth Fairy Story)

Michael’s tooth is loose, and he can’t wait for it to fall out. He has his mind set on a shiny, new red bicycle and wants money from his Tooth Fairy NOW! He devises a series of plans (well, they’re more like scams) to trick his Tooth Fairy into giving him money NOW! But his scams, er, plans, backfire and he unintentionally gets his Tooth Fairy in trouble with her Tooth Fairy bosses.

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==== Time Stamps ====

02:20 - The story starts here!

09:03 - The outro with Ira, Spencer & Scarlett starts here! And we hint at the next episode’s Whatever!

11:27 - The credits start here (booooring)


Ep. 4 Tooth Fairy.png